A SinG-A-PoRe Resource Center - Bringing u the latest music entertainment and news in Singapore. (featured link in http://www.cnngo.com/singapore/localviews)
VIBES BS Earphones
Friday, August 29, 2008
AYASCHOOL : JUNGLEGYM - Sat 30 August - Substation 18th Birthday Opening Weekend!
Details can be found on the website....featuring jazz pianist Aya Sekine, drummer Tan Boon Gee, Riduan Zalani (Wicked Aura Batucada), Budi on Repinique (Brazilian snare drum) & Yuta Nakayama with his innovative home-made gadgets. Click HERE!!!
RVCO's concert, Zhi Yin 4 (知音IV) - 30 Aug08

Calling all traditional music lovers who love Chinese orchestra music! Catch the concert by a secondary school chinese orchestra on this coming Sat. Details are as below:
Date: 30 Aug 2008 (Sat)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Singapore Conference Hall
Ticket price: $12, $15, $25
Conductors: 蓝营轩,黄志光
For purchase of tickets or enquires, please ccontact Ms Tay Hwee Ling at tay_hwee_ling@moe.edu.sg or 65678115
UPRISING! concert at the Zoo 30 Aug08!
Baybeats Festival 2008 from 29 Aug08 - 31 Aug08
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Matsuri@VivoCity Aug 2008

Day One - Music Matsuri
• Official Bands & Singers Showcase 2008
Day One - Music Matsuri(JRock/ Punk/ Pop Rock/ Visual Kei/ Lolita)
Date: 30th Aug 08, Sat
Booth: 11am-8pm
ShowTime: 3pm – 8pm
Note: Time & order of band(s) showcase to be confirmed.
Path Records (Artiste):
1) Ana Natasha
2) Latest Artiste Rock Band (to be revealed)
Special Guest appearance:
1) Jack & Rai (from EIC)
2) Talents from Ocean Butterfly
jrock.sg community bands/ singers:
1) Band Name : Cloud Sef.
Day Two – Cosplay Matsuri(Cosplay/Anime/ Games/ Movies)
Date: 31th Aug 08
SunBooth: 11am-7pm
ShowTime: 2pm – 7pm
Cosplay AllStars Selection Autumn 2008
Cosplay in character outfit based on Anime, Manga, Games & Movie.
Interested participant(s) pls register by 27th Aug08.
Contestants must report 1hr before contest time.
Individual:* Round 1- 2pm* Round 2 -4pm
Team:* Round 1 - 3pm* Round 2 - 5pm
Announcement of winner(s) @ 6pm
• Dance ShowcaseStreet/ Anime related/ Para/ FusionMusic to be used: Kpop, JPop, Songs/ Sound track from anime/ games
• Cosplayers' love Train 2008 (WGR)
• Others cosplay, anime related showsSupporting Partners
• 77th Street
• TimeZone
• Star2B.com
• The Axxis
• SouthWest CDC
• Yourfilm.sg
• Ocean Butterfly
• Path Records
• Pan-In-The-Box
• Attic Gothic
• Mr Cosplay's Otaku House
• Inoue School of Japanese Language & Arts
• Others Pls pm for:
1) booth rental,
2) performing slots for both days
3) CosplayAllStars contest
4) Cosplayers' love Train 2008 (WGR)
Event Promotion start 010808 At Timezone, 77th Street, and others
Do take note for the special event/member/new member sign-up packages!!!Limited event official apparels package (More than just t-shirt) - booking & purchase by members only (limited 2pcs per member)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Timbre MusicFest on Campus 2nite 27thAug08!
it's free admission, free food, free beer and free band performances from Singapore and Australia happening 2nite at NUS!
For more details: Click HERE!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Awesome experience at the Finals for the Band Challenge organised by Spore Drum Festival
Hmm...sometimes I tend to be too focussed on taking notes of the details on the music performances at times. The art of multi-tasking really drives me nuts...sia. I think I got to employ some helpers! Any music lovers interested? Imagine I got to juggle btw taking pictures, music note taking, bonding with ppl etc. Man are usually not well associated with multi-tasking since biologically speaking man are configured to think in the left side of our brain only! Women think in both left and right of their brains! Yet interestingly, it seems like there are more male musicians than female musicians. Wonder why? The world is so bizarre... .
OMG...I just remember that I forget to take pictures with the bands on that day itself! Sometimes problems do happen! Most importantly it's that u ask yrself "Whats so great about the problem?" & deal with the situation to find solutions out of it. I still remember I took some pictures with band members and Tan Boon outside THE ARENA. Can u guys (if u are one of them) kindly send it to me? Really appreciate it!
Seriously I haven't really got the time to sit down to write some write up for some music events. So pls wait patiently (but no need to wait long long). Promise that u guys will get some previews of pictures for the band competition first. Hehe...I will upload the videos together with my write-up. It's been a hell lot of stuff in juggling my work, studies & music. Ok enough of talking...Here are the pictures on the music event "The Finals of the Band Challenge":
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wanna be in a music video? (Updates as of 22nd Aug 08) Casting for mafia men & leading lady
Reellocoproductions is still looking for their lady in their music video! More updates for the casting:
Pan-Asian/Caucasian lady from 20-30 needed to play the role of a mysterious 'smuggler' in a music video for a band and they are getting increased exposure and has a solid fan base. The duration we needed is maximum being one day, but in most likelihoods for half a day. Shoot will be in the first week of September.Short listed candidates will be called down for a screen test. Remuneration will be $250. Please forward your profile and recent photos to talents05@yahoo.com.sg with name and contact number and we will contact you if you are suitable. If not dun worry we do have future projects which you might be considered.
Hi guys & gals,
interested to earn some experience and bucks? Below are the details in seeking suitable candidates for a music video from reellocoproductions:
Hey beautiful boys and girls,
Fancy being Daryl Hannah in Kill Bill, or Lin Ching Hsia in Fallen Angels? That mysterious woman in shades with a secret to hide? Here's your chance dudes and dudettes, we are doing a music video for a local band (NOT SAYING WHO YET!) and we are finding that ONE face to be our leading lady.
Here's what I need.
1 Eurasian/Caucasian lady (URGENT!): 20 - 25 years of age(have to ooze attitude and charisma) - Needed for 1 full day
5 mafia men (any age, any race)(have to be stocky and well built; you guys will be the lady's entourage - Needed for aprox half a day
Contact person: Zoe
Email address: zoe@reelloco.com
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Digital Music 101 with The Analog Girl on 23Aug08

its time for me to feature the one and only digital music talk by our local electronica musician "The Analog Girl". For those who have grabbed the tixs for The Analog Girl seminar talk, gd for u guys! Why? Apparently the tixs are all sold out! Gosh...I didnt know that a talk by Singapore musicians would be that popular! Anyone willing to sell one tix to me since I didn't manage to buy it? I would love to understand and appreciate better in electronica/digital music...hehe.
For those who can't go for the talk, don't be disappointed! Event for Singapore Drum Fest is up next for this wkend where local bands are competing against each other in the Band Challenge @ The Arena. Check out my previous blog post "Singapore Drumfest Events Happening on 16 Aug 08 & 23 Aug 08" for more details. Be sure to buy the tixs and catch these upcoming bands talents! Most prob. I will go for it since no tix for "The Analog Girl" Talk is available for me.
Ok...guys take care and see u around soon!
Experience & Review of Bevlyn Concert - Lonely Afternoon
did u catch Bevlyn in action during 13Aug08 @ NUS University Culture Centre? If not, then u miss a cool concert and maybe years to come before her next gig since she mentioned that she had no idea when's the next one of hers coming up!
Here's my personal write-up in my true honest opinion with absolutely no honey-coated words.
When I arrived at NUS University Culture Centre, there were quite a no. of music supporters settling their food at the resturant nearby and lining up. Haha...luckily the queue wasn't that long. Soon I got my tix and went into the theatre. Generally the ushers were quite helpful as I quickly settled down to sit down.
Bevlyn started off with her first song "Lonely Afternoon" with her band. For some particular reasons, I felt that I liked the arrangement of the song in her CD than the gig presented live. Through the song, it felt as if the musicians weren't listening to one another close enough to form tight harmony through their own individual instrumental parts. Apparently the song tempo was a bit faster as Bevlyn was slowly warming up her voice. I cannot help but stress the essence in the art of hearing when performing together with yr band members in yr own band especially in a true jazz band which does a lot of improvisation and musical changes in key centre chords. That's what makes a huge difference btw a great band & an average band. Even for me, its still a long way to go before I can play in a band let alone a gd one.
Indeed it must have been the usual nervous "butterflies in the stomach" feeling for the performers. Any performers will feel nervous. Who doesn't unless u totally "bo char" (definition in proper English "dont give a damn care" ) whether the performance will be a success? It's a matter of conditioning yrself to prepare and rehearse for yr performance beyond that 100% effort of yrs in ensuring that the sound check is really good. Easier said than done...lol. It takes years of experience and exposure and constant self-awareness to attain peak performance. Things started to change better when Bevlyn and her band performed the third song. All of them were starting to settle down and blending much more in tune with each other.
Next was another singer songwriter Chia Tien Yao (the guitarist in Bevlyn's band) introduced by Bevlyn who was constantly helping her in her CD album. From the moment he opened his mouth to sing his song "Close to Me", I felt he almost stole the spotlight from Bevlyn...lol. No kidding really! His first song almost melt my heart with his high soothing voice. It's been a long time I have heard such tenorish voice float so smoothly into the sky. Haha...even the lady sitting besides me was like "ooo...his voice..." . The whole audience was mesmerized by his voice and skillful guitar strumming. Apparently he is releasing his album next year. I am looking forward to it!
Another singer songwriter Yet was introduced by Bevlyn as a guest performer. His warm singing tone with vibrato really touched my heart. Wow...he even offered to give his limited edition CD single for the first 10 audiences who rushed out to buy Bevlyn's CD after her concert. Nothing is more heartening than seeing musicians supporting each other! Check out his video:
One of the highlights in her concert was a new song "Feel about u". This is a particularly soothing song of hers which she just composed recently. Did I mention that it was not in her EP album "Lonely Afternoon"? Yeap...it wasn't. She must be preparing to write more songs for her next album.
Bevlyn's vocal tone for her song "Play with Me!" in that gig was seriously darker & richer than the one recorded in her CD... .To me, it felt as if the whole atmosphere drew out suppressed emotions of seduction & desire which we Singaporeans don't dare to express and acknowledge "flirting is just part of adulthood" openly in our conservative society. Opps...going a bit over board...anyway back to the topic.
Then a note on song covers...sung by Bevlyn...I was pretty surprised that Bevlyn performed song covers so well. Man...I mean like literally she sang refreshing renditions of the songs just like the one in her cover of French song La Vie En Rose. I particularly like her vocal backup harmonies when Tien Hao was singing.
To Bevlyn: Hey u will make a good demo/backup singer if anyone interested to find one lol! How u sing so well? Teach me lei...lol. Well maybe no need hor...Just recommend u to sing for weddings since u done that song cover "Just The Way U Are" by Billy Joel so well!
The deepest impression that made on me for Bevlyn was her last Mandarin song "When I am 80"! She was so emo...really even better than the one recorded in her CD! I could really feel her longing feelings of love with her loved one. Apparently if u guys want to know the story behind this song, check out this blogger who also wrote something about this song in Bevlyn's concert: HERE!
All in all, it have been a wonderful experience for me to witness the local works performed live by our local music talents. Coming to think of that, well we should start to support our local talents by buying their albums and applauding them for the sheer hard work and effort to share their music with us!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Music Charity Show - From Us to You, A Benefit show for little Raiyan Shafiq - 17 & 24 Aug 08 (Latest Updates as of 19Aug08)

Latest Updates from the organisers:
Many thx to all that have shown support to the cause in the past 2 shows. In appreciation of your believe and overwhelming support towards the cause,PRE-SALE TICKETS at $8 are now available for the final show on the 24th.Tickets at door on actual day will still be at $10.Pls contact Izhar at 98432834 or MiL at 82000187 for PRE-SALE TICKETS.So, do hurry as tickets are limited.
it's time for me to update the latest news for the music event on this Sunday after watching Bevlyn's concert last nite (will write a review on her performance soon). Here's the first one. A bit of charity u can do for the unfortunate sick and enjoy some live music performance at the same time this weekend & next weekend.
Below is the information about the beneficiary sent by Izhar:
Here’s a brief insight of the beneficiary if you still hadn’t known...
For the past two years, 3 year-old Raiyan Shafiq has been bedridden and the part of his brain which controls his breathing, swallowing, digestion, eye movement and heart beat is damaged.
He has difficulty breathing, swallowing and to digest food. He is aided by a machine to help him breathe and has a tube inserted through his nose leading to the stomach to feed him.
Raiyan is infected with the EV71 virus, a severe infection of the Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease (HFMD). He does have a chance to be cured but it would take a huge sum of money to fund for the machine needed for the operation. A doctor has stepped forward to offer himself to do the operation without any charge, but they would still need $75,000 for the machine.
After the article was featured in The Straits Times, help poured in for the family. In the Berita Harian report dated 16 July 2008, it was reported that they have managed to raise $12,000 through contributions from kind-hearted Singaporeans.
Please help to spread the news of the shows, as well as create awarness about Little Raiyan..every litle help goes a long way...I have visited the family and told them of the shows.100% of ticket sales as well as all donations collected at the 3 shows (outside of the shows are welcome too) will be donated to the family.Once again I THANK ALL OF YOU....UNDERGROUND KIDS THAT CARE.....its not me...IT'S US....
Monday, August 18, 2008
Librations of the Moon Concert - 18 Aug 08 (new updates as of 18 Aug 08)

This also marks the first time Darren, Randolf and Zul have worked together.
Darren on broken piano + sampling + audio processing
Randolf on guitar + looper + voice
Zul on DIY analogue synthesis + audio processing
Venue: The Substation Theatre
Date: 18th August 2008
Time: 8pm
$21/pre sales
$28/ at door
Tickets sold at The Substation Box Office.
enquires: plasticblackspecs@gmail.com / 91813142
Below are some pictures of their First meet up 14/07/2008:
Sunday, August 17, 2008
We Satellites @ Cafe De Mar (Sentosa) Mar 17th August
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Analog Girl Live At Supperclub / Singapore
Below is the excerpt taken from The Analog Girl website:
The Analog Girl will be performing during the launch of Supperclub in Singapore. Supperclub is a wild and unique dining + clubbing concept established in Amsterdam and given the Singapore flavour. It will be nothing you have experienced yet. The Substation are also curating a series of events and performances, even recruiting restaurant staff who are able to do acrobats of some sort to reflect on the atmosphere that is (in)famously Supperclub!
Date: Saturday August 16 2008
Time: 8:30pm (30 minutes)
Venue: Supperclub, Odeon Towers, 331 North Bridge Road, Singapore
Website: Supperclub
Weekend Trip GIG - 16 Aug 08
August, 16 2008 at [Come Out & Play!] - Cardinal Avenue, Trella, Snixtyx, Face Off somerset road, *scape Youth Park
Time: 7 to 10 pm
Cost : FREE
Below is the excerpt taken from http://www.myspace.com/weekendtrip
Since December 1997, WeekendTRIP @ Youth Park has witnessed the proliferation of bands of all names and genres, nurturing the young audience to listen without prejudice. Up till now, it has showcased hundreds of homegrown bands such as "Urban Karma", "Plain Sunset", "Dancing Nancies", "Fish Tank", "Concave Scream", "Tiramisu", "Big Red Moment", "The Marilyns", "Electrico", "B-Quartet", "West Grand Boulevard" and many more. With their own sounds, some have even earned honourable recognition amongst the community in the local music scene.
With the aim to harness the vibrancy, energy & creativity of today's youth and to channel them toward positive and wholesome activities, WeekendTRIP has indirectly championed the creation and promotion of music bands made-in-Singapore, judging from the number of venues and variety of organizations jumping into the bandwagon to encourage the bands to come out and play, hence extending more platforms for the local musician.
WeekendTRIP 2007/08 is: Presented by *scape Co produced with Invasion Productions Managing Partner Aux Productions
Wicked Aura Batucada Album Launch @ Zouk - 15th August 2008

© 2008 Wicked Aura Batucada
SINGAPORE – Lion City’s best-loved homegrown percussion troupe is launching their debut album, titled LOUDER THAN LIGHT on Friday, 15 August 2008. The launch bash, which will be held at Zouk (Singapore) from 9 pm to 11 pm, promises an exhilarating and high-energy performance which will hit the audience on all the right notes.
Apart from individual band members’ musical experiences and their collative ideas, previous collaborations and performances with renowned international musicians such as Trilok Gurtu, Chico Cesar and Johnny Kalsi of UK dhol-percussion outfit The Dhol Foundation influences the overall sounds of this album.
The title of the debut album is derived from the band’s thoughts about the quality of both visual and aural elements in their musical performance. Sound and sight are similarly thought provoking while they exist on two separate planes, replicating an endless joust and the story of struggle behind the band’s journey. As such, LOUDER THAN LIGHT reflects the band’s wishes and aspiration to encourage others in overcoming various challenges and let their dreams take flight; where the band works towards being louder than light, they hope that others will be inspired to greater than their respective adversaries.
Other songs, such as a remake of the band’s earlier hit “The Pedestrian (2008)”, includes vocal rapping and a venture into the world of effects and electronics. “Samba Singapura II” is a uniquely Singaporean samba anthem, combining samba traditions with strong local flavors. Among the tracks featured in the album was crowd’s favorite “Fight”, which earns the band’s its place in the BBC The Next Big Thing 2007 Top 20 Longlist as the only Asian band to be declared the music of the future.
Wicked Aura Batucada looks forward to a trip to Melbourne, Australia in November 2008 this year, following the local album launch and a series of local performances.
These masters of innovative rhythms have conquered international shores; Australia, UK, Spain, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, South Korea, China, Thailand, have all thrilled to the vibrant rhythms of Wicked Aura Batucada. They’ve stayed on their feet and called for more. This is Singapore’s premiere percussion band who excites audiences worldwide with their wicked and infectious drumbeats.
The team works crowds into partied frenzy. The Wicked Aura Batucada percussion armory contains a variety of traditional, borrowed, improvised and contemporary instruments. Drums in all shapes and sizes from diverse cultures: the African djembes, Brazilian surdos, and the Indian dhol not forgetting the local ethnic flavor backed by the traditional Asian drums such as kompang, rebana, and many others.
Credits given to: Licia Sucipto & Wicked Aura Batucada
PARTY WITH A PURPOSE - August 16th 2008

I am back to here! Here's the third music event coming on Sat. Enjoy!
Time: 3:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: dbl O
Street: 11 Unity Street
City/Town: Singapore, Singapore
Contact Info
Phone: 91447161
Email: partywithapurpose2008@googlemail.com
Pure Of The TripA Vacant Affair
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Singapore Drumfest Events Happening on 16 Aug 08 & 23 Aug 08

Here's the second gig information from the event organisers of Singapore Drumfest Committee 2008.
Below is an excerpt from the Singapore Drum Festival website:
Come join us at *scape Youth Park tomorrow, Saturday 2nd August from 6:30pm to 9:30pm for the Band Challenge and Drum Challenge Finalist showcase! see attached!
Line up for Singapore Drumfest Main Event is up on the website! Check it out! Line up for Concert in the Park will be out next week. Wait for it! Ticket information will be out next week!
Come join us at The ARENA, Clark Quay this Sat 16th Aug 08 for FINALS of Drum Challenge Asia & Sat 23rd Aug 08 for FINALS of Singapore BAND Challenge (both 1.00pm to 5.00pm). See details of bands & participants on our main website. Support local talents as they challenge themselves to their max in this all music genre tournament!
Ticket pricing for Finals as follows - Door charges - S$12/- nett for 1 x Alcoholic /Soft Drink above 18 years old and S$10/- nett for Soft Drink under 18 years old for the public. Nice & comfortable place, air-conditioned & 5 hrs of entertainment in total!
Brand New Singapore Drumfest T-Shirt designed by FLESH IMP will be on sale at all events!!
Thank you. Families & Friends of the Drum Challenge and BAND Challenge participants are strongly encouraged to come and support them at this event!
MTV latest writeup: http://www.mtvasia.com/News/200807/23016281.html
Singapore Drumfest Committee 2008
www.SingaporeDrumfest.com***check out the great pictures of the Semis on 26th of July 2008!***
Other exciting Events:Pls check out Music Lab's "Know your TAOGAYS" class!http://soft.com.sg/forum/how-drums/70345-music-lab-drum-set-workshop-series-3.html
Credits given to: Boon-SDF from SOFT website & Singapore Drumfest Committee 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Bevlyn in Concert - Lonely Afternoon 2nite - 13thAug08
2nite is the concert of our local songwriter Bevlyn Khoo who have sung in various venues and even on radio 1003fm. If u guys have heard of the songs "Lonely Afternoon" or "When I am 80" in my blog, she is the one who composed and sang the songs. For more information about her, u can check out my previous blog posts: Time to Explore Art Sounds...!!! & Jazz in July - Bevlyn Khoo (Les Chansons Français). For new visitors on the block, do check out my previous blog posts in the month of August & July. Why? Simply due to too much new information (auditions, gigs, album launch, copyright digital music works license) updated...that I can hardly catch my breath lol... . Anyway back to the topic, the concert details are as mentioned below:
Concert: Bevlyn in Concert - Lonely Afternoon
Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Time: 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Location: University Cultural Centre Theatre
Street: 50 Kent Ridge Crescent
City/Town: Singapore, Singapore
Below is the excerpt taken from her facebook page:
Bevlyn's first EP album 'Lonely Afternoon' was released in Jan 2008, and after a series of promotional activities through radios, schools and charity functions, she is looking forward to this proper concert where you can hear and see her deliver music from the album in the University Cultural Centre Theatre. (We all know how hard it is for local musicians to find a proper venue to perform!)
Other than providing guitar and harmonica accompaniment, madboy Tien-yao will also be delivering his original songs. Shawn Kok will be on percussion, Lim Chun and Lim Hui on violin, and James Yeo will be on piano and bass!You can also get a sneak preview of "No problem", a single by singer-songwriter Yet Dunhong, who will be launching his full-length album in September.
The concert promises to be an intimate evening of sharing of inspirations behind their original works, new songs, a few of their favorite covers, and mindless banter.
You are welcome to join them if you are free that evening, It is entirely FOC, well except:
1. Pay for the transport to NUS UCC
2. Spare the time to be there early and grab a seat because it's free-seating. Tickets are available 1 hour before the show at the ticketing counter.
3. Bring $13.90 to buy a copy (or 2) of Bevlyn's album if you do not have 1 yet.
Post a message here if there's any cover(s) you want us to do that evening. We are still open to suggestions!
If you miss this, Bevlyn also has no idea when the next one will be. See you there!
Credits:Photography - Gabriel Mendes Photography (www.gabrielmendes.com)
Poster Design - Edgar Lim
Videography - Vocare Media (www.vocaremedia.com/)
N.B. Banter will be mainly in Mandarin and English
Event information contribution
Credits given to: Bevlyn Khoo
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
My deepest Appreciation Music Lovers!
I really appreciate that u guys come & visit my blog. Hope to continue to earn yr support! Music information is starting to overload in my brain...lol... . I have received invitations from various musicians or event personnel to help them in publicising their concerts, gigs or auditions on my blog. That's a good thing to keep the music flowing in!
Music lovers be prepared! Keep this wkend of yrs free! There will be quite a no of music events happening concurrently for u guys to choose. So I have no idea how to go abt flying over to attend so many events. Maybe I should attempt to become a ninja then I can split myself to various image forms to go for every single one. But guess I have to sacrifice a few since I haven't mastered the art of ninjitsu. But in any case, do keep a lookout! In the meantime, I will be updating a music event happening (another Album release live gig) in this coming Friday soon!
Here's the picture of Mr Clement Chow (the original singer) and me that I promised u guys in my previous blog post!

"Count on me Singapore....Count...on me to give my best...& more...". Gosh...that tune keeps spinning in my head...man...this is bad...this tune should get out of my head and get a kat-kit break. ;P
Monday, August 11, 2008
Vox Audition for A Rock Vocalist in Rock Band "Alternate Crunch"
below are the details of the vox audition from upcoming band Alternate Crunch which seeks to play at nightspots and private functions in future. They are seeking for a competent vocalist who fits their bill:
Our band (Alternate Crunch) has been recently formed by ex-professional musicians who are versatile enough to play various type of music such as Hard Rock, Soft Rock, Metal, POP, Alternative etc... However we prefer to go for Rock. We play Aerosmith, Coldplay, Garry Moore, Metallica, Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Santana, Gun N Roses, Fire House, Scorpion, Mr Big, Europe, Cinderella, Skid Row, U2, Bon Jovi etc... Most of our band members can sing pretty well too so we have good backup singers. What we need is one competent rock vocalist. Any race, religion, age is welcome but he must be a guy who is really rock... Sorry girls, our band covers male songs only.
We will target to play once a week or fortnightly at private functions and nightspots around the island. We acknowledge the fact that our day time job is the first priority but we will be serious to have fun and to make money out of our undying hobby.
Details of the Vox audition
Band name : Alternate Crunch
Members : 1 guitarist, 1 Keyboardist, 1 Bassist, 1 Drummer, 1 vocalist
Genre : Anything from alternative rock to contemporary rock
Number of song to prepare : 2 to 3 songs
Song list (New Updates): Prefered Songs / other rock songs which auditioners want to sing (pls refer to the contact person for more details)
Contact Person : Brendan
SMS 81399863 or 90618640
Email : alternatecrunch@yahoo.com.sg
A memorable National Day Celebration & tune-in for music events!
How are u guys feeling in this early morning after National Day celebration on Sat? I bet u guys haven't had enough of the fireworks sightseeing and cheering rite? Some of us still have to come to work 2day. U guys must be feeling pretty sian with the Monday blues atmosphere... . Don't take it too hard lol... . In yr mind, perhaps some of u are cursing and swearing at yr boss: "Boss can don't come back anot? I am still in my wonderland." I am in the same boat as u guys. So not to fret, here's some news to brighten up yr day!
For those who went to watch the gig "*scape presents, Electrico 'Live' at the Youth Park, 9th Aug 2008", did u guys enjoy Electrico and the other bands' performances at scape Youth Park? I am sure u guys did! It must been a blast! Too bad...I wasn't able to make it to catch them! Haha...I was too busy singing and enjoying myself with YoungNTUC Play Choir in singing National Day songs at The Padang. Can u imagine that we had the privilege to sing together with the original singer for our favorite national song "Count on me Singapore"? He is nope other than our local well-known composer and singer Clement Chow! I even had the chance to take a picture with him! I will upload the picture and song soon to let u guys see who he really is. Man...this song has been existing for 20 plus odd... years and it's still going strong!
Anyway do stay tuned for upcoming music information especially on electronic music. U will find more updates on future gigs, concerts, music courses and auditions for bands or musical groups. And if u guys have any information for upcoming music concerts/events in the month of Aug and Sept, do send it to me. I am constantly looking for such local news. It's always a pleasure to see other Singaporeans contributing news to the music scene in Singapore.
P/S: If u guys like my blog, do give some comments or tag me in my cbox. Come on guys, I do deserve some credits for giving u so much music information freebies lol... Well I am out of here! Take care and see u guys soon!
Yr dearest music connector and lover
Saturday, August 9, 2008
A National Day Complain celebration 2008!
National Day is coming soon! Time to blow up the dynamite for some real patriot Spore celebration! For those who are going for NDP, u might catch me singing in front of 12,000 people if u are one of the audiences in the afternoon NDP performance at Padang! Yr head must be thinking "Hmm...Are u kidding?". Nope its for real! I am singing together with a bunch of young inspiring singers in YoungNTUC Play Group! Now...that's what I call in showing appreciation & gratitude for Singapore thro singing songs!
Anyway Singapore Mediacorp Radio Station class95 FM recently held a competition on the best and worst habits of Singaporeans in Singapore. Haha...I think one of the worst habits by Singaporeans is the act of complaining...which leads me to ponder my volunteering of COMPLAINT CHOIR PROJECT performance in Singapore M1 Fringe Festival during this year.
Man...we were not allowed to perform at venues outside just becos of the rule that only Singaporeans are allowed to sing complaints in public! Our conductor and some of the choristers happened to be Malaysians and foreigners. It ended up that we had to make it as a "private" event to perform inside the Arts House. Gee...when will our govt. be liberal enough to allow speech performance freedom in people for our country? Guess...we all will have to wait a long long time... . Without further ado, here's the video clip for u guys to enjoy COMPLAINTING IN SINGAPORE (Catch me in the video)!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
*scape presents, Electrico 'Live' at the Youth Park, 9th Aug 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008
Jazz band ..."On the Waterfront: All That Jazz II"

The opening prologue was a foreword about the Esplanade Presents program “On the Waterfront: All That Jazz II” by a tiny lovely lady in her brown top and white skirt on the stage. With the opening of the first song “My Shining Hour”, the music jumped straight into the driving pulse of a fast heartbeat with the mellow sounds of the vocalist and the double bass.
The vocalist, Melissa’s scat singing technique had her improvising the sound of the trumpet in inaudible syllables, which left the general audience in puzzled expressions on their faces. Such scat singing must have sounded alien to them especially for those who absolutely had no exposure of listening to jazz vocal music. Her singing was filled with a decent vocal tone with good musicality sense as compared to the ones that I have heard among the few jazz local vocalists in Singapore. The guitar, keyboard and drums joined somewhere in the middle of the song and the song ended with the response of lackadaisical applause from the audience.
The mood of the music slowed down with a classic song when Melissa sang her own rendition of a classic bossa nova piece “Din Di” by world-renowned Brazilian music composer Antonio Carlos Jobim. It was calming and relaxing to the listeners with visual images of dreamy clouds up in the starry night.
One of the musical pieces among the songs highlighted was “What a little moonlight can do.” The double bass sounded like a train rushing in full speed towards its next destination. Yet the bassist remained firm and steady in time. Mei Shuem (the keyboardist) was throwing in various melodic music chords. Swift music notes were just running through her fingers with such rapid speed that it must have taken her years to master it. Simultaneously Andrew (the guitarist) was dashing musical notes up and down. The music began to heat up like fire leaving Tony (the bassist) in instances of musical similar lines as the other musicians tried to back him up with harmonic chords and rhythmic patterns. The fast beats of that musical piece finally came to an end when Melissa finished it off with a sustained singing note.
It was pretty interesting to note that Melissa was introducing the names of the keyboardist and guitarist in the songs frequently. Perhaps it was the fact that they were the significant supporting music characters for the songs. The bassist and drummer were sparingly mentioned which made me ponder the importance for the roles of different musicians in the band even if they are not seen as part of the main cast in the act.
At some point, some young audiences left. Maybe the music was getting a bit too odd and “old-style” to them. In the world of jazz music, perhaps such appreciation of creative elements in music making are not easily accepted by young Singaporeans as the general mainstream music remains as pop and rock music.
The song “Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square” gave the aural impression of a mother coaxing her baby to sleep. It almost felt like one was going to enter into the story of Alice in Wonderland with the soothing voice of Melissa. The last song was a mid-tempo song “L.OV.E” with the whole band. The drum sounded like tapping shoes used in dancing music and Boon Gee (the drummer) had his chance to show off his drum skills in a few measures of beats. Finally soft claps of appreciation were given after the musicians completed their last piece for the set.
In general, the viewers don’t seem to show much enthusiasm towards the jazz live music show but it was quite heartwarming to see that most of the audiences still remain to support the performers. The atmosphere would have certainly shone if more jazz music lovers had attended the gig on the night itself.
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- A National Day Complain celebration 2008!
- *scape presents, Electrico 'Live' at the Youth Par...
- Jazz band ..."On the Waterfront: All That Jazz II"
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