course jointly organized by
Southeast Asian Studies Programme, NUS and
Artyfakt – Space for Intercultural Arts
The Javanese gamelan is the largest member of a family of Southeast Asian musical ensembles, and its beautiful music is one of the most complex in the world. A skeletal melody which can progress at different speeds is punctuated at regular intervals by the large gong, and the resulting gong cycle is regularly subdivided into increasingly smaller sub-cycles by a variety of smaller gongs.
The music from Central Java traditionally accompanies ceremonies and dance and shadow puppet theatre performances, and it is also played by itself at informal performances qua practices for enjoyment.
Learn on one of the largest instrument sets in Singapore. You will master basic techniques and structures of the Javanese Gamelan in slendro and pelog tuning. In 20 hours, you will study several songs of different style and form and acquire skills on different instruments of the Gamelan.
About the instructor:
Dr Thomas Manhart is ethnomusicologist and Gamelan instructor at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and NUS. He studied music in the Academies of Munich and Vienna and obtained a teaching degree for music as well as his MA in music education (major voice and Javanese music) at Passau University, Germany. He was awarded a PhD by NUS, Southeast Asian Studies Programme on Music and Religion in Sumatra.
In Singapore, he founded his own music studio Artyfakt, providing Gamelan education to various schools.
Duration: 2 hours per session; every Thursday 19:00 – 21:00
From 22nd January (10 sessions; break during NUS study week)
Venue: AS2, NUS Gamelan room #02-01
Fees: S$260; (for students and NS men S$ 180); 10% early bird discount for registration+payment before 10th December
Min. 12 and max. 20 participants (First come, first served basis)
Registration by email to,
Deadline: 18th January 2009
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