A section dedicated for sponsored articles/music interviews/technology by MusicArtLifeSG Team
Sponsored articles (Updating in progress)
Be the Next Special Heineken agent in James Bond SKYFALL film!
Sponsored Video: Wreck-it Ralph gone missing?
Music Interviews (Updating in progress)
A choice of DaVinci Code or C.C.C.D Code? Deciphering C.C.C.D. Looping interview with Randolf Arriola
Music Matters 2012 - Interview with Minor Soul (Hong Kong)
Music Matters 2012 - Interview with Dustin McGahee (USA)
Interview with Raphael Lim (RGEN Entertainment) Part 1
Interview with Raphael Lim (RGEN Entertainment) Part 2
"COME CLOSER WITH KEWEI" Album Interview @ TAB Media Press Conference
Prelude - Jeremy's Swing
MusicArtLifeSG - Singapore dealer for VIBES BS NVE 300 Korean earphones
Technology Blog Review on VIBES BS NVE 300 earphones: http://2dayblog.com/2010/04/10/review-vibe-earring-type-earphone-nve-300/
VIBE BS NVE 300 Earphones USA Owner Video Review
엔텍 체감형 이어폰 바이브BS NVE-300 (In Korean Language)
Why u SHOULD NOT BUY the earphones from us in Singapore?
1) U want a higher chance of risk in your loss of hearing.
2) U prefer to get it from other online shopping sites where it's
such a hassle to ship it back.
We provide 1 to 1 exchange within 3 months (starting from
the date of purchase) if any defect (rarely happens)
is found in the product. Plus 7 months limited warranty.
3) U love to purchase this piece of unique earphone at a higher market price.
Nothing wrong with that. But we just prefer to make it affordable for
people's listening pleasure.
Seeking for some boutique music pedals or custom power supply?
We can help u to bring in at an affordable price.
For enquires in purchasing/finding more
about the earphones, music pedals or power supply, contact us here!
To be updated...with more information.
re:solve / 决议案 Trailer
There's a release date! And a new trailer to accompany the one month wait
to its debut. Touted as Singapore's first police crime thriller,
anticipation and...
11 years ago