Attached are the pictures of me taken with Rosli Mansor.
Remember BX1 bass guitar I mentioned about? The photo of Bx1 bass guitar with Wendy is taken by Vicky who was also there at the demonstration. Photo credit goes to Vicki Lim. Picture is as below:

Thanks Vicki! Want to be my music event photographer? U can tag along if u want lol... when I attended music events. Yr photos taken are pretty cool and I need real good shots of musicians and people in music events.
Guys sorry I haven't uploaded the videos. Silly internet running so slow like turtle to upload the videos. I will attempt to upload again but I will only be back home late nite. In the meantime, u can enjoy the other pictures by Vicki.
For those who came to Bassist Wendy's Live Looping performance and demonstration, u would have experienced a total new experience! Seriously speaking, I didn't know what a bassist can do until I saw her demonstrating tonal imitation sounds of drums, guitar and bass TAPPING with just the use of gadgets and her headless BX1 bass guitar!!! But even then, I was pretty much amazed! If u guys have heard one of Wendy's original music pieces "BETWEEN HERE AND THEN", u would have thought that she recorded with many different instruments.
The reality is that she simply just played her original music LIVE using only the LIVE LOOPING creation leading to a whole lot of spectrum sounds in music with her bass guitar, guitar gadgets and the support of Rosli Mansor's guitar playing in the background. It's incredible to imagine the unlimited possibilities u can do as a musician with the advance of music technology. I will upload the recorded performances for u guys to see when I get back home.
When I had the chance to carry Wendy's BX1 bass guitar, it felt as if I was carrying a feather (just kidding)! But obviously it's really a relief to those petite bassist musicians. Bx1 guitar weighs roughly around 3.5kg. Imagine u have to carry a normal 5kg bass guitar standing for 3-5 hours of live gig! At the end of the day, u probably get a real BAD backache. Too bad Yamaha is no longer producing any of such models anymore. A difference of 1.5kg would help a lot! It's a real pity. From the way I see it, the design of the bass guitar BX1 is pretty stylistic and cool! Furthermore for bassists, u don't have to worry if yr precious little baby would have her head chopped off if u are travelling with it on a motorcycle through Singapore's express highway tunnel. Too bad I didn't catch a picture of it.
p/s to Wendy: Hey u got a picture of yr BX1 guitar to send to me? Haha I can put it up on my blog for people to see.
After the performance, it was simply inspiring to "talk cock and sing song" (Singlish term: talk cock and sing song simply means chit chat and chill out) with some of Wendy's bunch of music lovers and musicians at the Kopitam in Plaza Singapura.
Personal Thoughts and inspirations from musicians at the performance:
In this era where music technology is advancing at such a rapid rate, we are losing a whole lot bunch of different new artists. Indeed we are simply spolit in choices with such astounding music functionality in our music instruments combined with perfect flawless recording in our music. It seems as though almost every musician sounds the same. Don't believe me? Trying listening to a LP record or old recordings of great musicians in the early 60, 70 and 80s. U might even find yrself in discovery of hearing new stuff when u listen to these tracks every single time.
What some of us failed to realise that as artists and musicians, all these extra music features don't serve any purpose if it don't create our own unique style and signature as a musician/artist. Trying to show off those SUPER CRAZY music licks and ornaments are redundant in music pieces if they didn't achieve certain purposes in expressing yr thoughts in music. Wendy mentioned from one of the great living bassists, it is THE SPIRIT OF MUSIC that stays to revolve. it Victor Wooten? Got to verify with her again. Yes...the Spirit and Soul of music never die in people's hearts if we all understand that music is a form of borderless language in spiritual expression which will touch yr heart if u choose to align with it.
Special thanks to:
1. Mohamed Nor (For sharing with me about music insights about artists, creating yr own unique signature sound and integrity)
2. Wendy (For sharing yr music and thoughts with me listening to yr tracks everywhere after buying yr CD album on last Saturday)
3. Rosli Mansor (Thanks for taking pictures with me/showing me some Reggae music and yr own orginal music. Man...I wish that I had more time to talk to u about music. Keep me updated for yr second album and performances. Btw do u know how I can get the pictures of me and other people from the "official" photographers on last Saturday?
Last but not least, thanks to all those who have shared their music thoughts with me on that day itself.
Signing off
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