Hi guys!!! The viewership on my music blog in Singapore
have been growing. I am grateful to whoever comes in the way to support
the local music scene through providing music news and checking this
music blog regularly on the latest news on Singapore
music and musicians. It’s been a great journey for me. If u guys have
noticed, a new crew mate “Wen Hui” has just joined my team. If u guys
have been following my blog faithfully, u would have noticed a few
works of my fellow co-writer/interviewer Wen Hui featured in my music
So why the heck are we doing all this? For the love and passion for local music in Singapore… . Yaya… I know it sounds crappy but who else would support Singapore music if we don’t start doing something? Anyone can say that I want to support Singapore music but most importantly I think its not just by saying only…but u also need to do something about it.
Wen Hui and I had a lot of fun interacting with musicians and music lovers in Singapore. It sounds crazy but man…we had so much laughter and insights during our interactions with Singapore musicians through their real life stories. What’s more…sometimes we get free treatments…from doing what we love to do. Hehe...the free treatments shall remain as secrets for now.
At the current moment, we are looking forward to see how we can push it
further…from e-mail all the way to live/video interviews…with these
marvelous musicians. Currently we have a few line-up of musicians in
our list. Of course we are still thinking of new ways to entertain and
inspire people through music news and form a network of music lovers
and musicians where friendship and love can be built. Do send in yr
suggestions on how we can make the music blog better or stuff u wish us
to inform. Music is important but in life, I feel it's the friendship
bond which keeps us together in this musical journey.
Seriously speaking, I personally feel that Singapore is such a boring place apart from occasional clubbing in Zouk to watching concerts/gigs around the small town of Singapore.
Nothing much to do...So if u are rotting yr boring life at yr home and
feel that u are up to volunteering your “services” in our media and
design team to us, do write in to us via email or tag me. We love to see how u can fit into
our family.
Email: wjvocalist@yahoo.com.sg
Back to looking at the interviews...stuff. Thats all from me. Till then, see u guys around!!!
Music Blog Manager/Team Leader
AJ signing...off... .
re:solve / 决议案 Trailer
There's a release date! And a new trailer to accompany the one month wait
to its debut. Touted as Singapore's first police crime thriller,
anticipation and...
11 years ago
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