I recently received an media release from
Fulford Public Relations on a poem
writing competition from
Singapore Writers Festival.
Apparently they are encouraging anyone
who can take up a pen and write
their own poems... .
What's cool is that u get to work
with singer-songwriters from
Timbre Music Academy to turn
your poem into a song if u win!
More Details of the Poetry of Song Competition below:
27 July to 5 September 2011
Sing us a love note! Timbre Music Academy, by Timbre Group, and the Singapore Writers Festival (SWF) bring you Poetry of Song! Win a chance to work with professional singer-songwriters from Timbre Music Academy, who will work with you to turn your poem to a song.
The theme is ‘Love Notes’, so write one to your special someone, your evil ex, your mum or your BFF - as long as it's a poem - and email it to tma@timbregroup.asia with your full name (as in NRIC) and mobile number.
Five shortlisted poems will be turned into songs and showcased on the SWF website – www.singaporewritersfestival.com.The most popular song will be performed live at SWF in October. Better yet, there’s $1,500 worth of prize money at stake for the most popular song!
Submissions open on 27 July 2011 and will close on 5 September 2011.
More information can be found at http://www.timbregroup.asia/timbremusic/event_pos.html.
Rules & Regulations:
• All entries must be in English.
• Entries must be no more than 200 words in length and can be in any poem form.
• Entries must be original and must never been published before in print or online (book, anthology, journal and magazine).
• The competition is open to all Singaporeans/ PRs and residents of Singapore.
• Shortlisted writers will receive a cash prize of SGD800 and the writer with the most popular song will receive a cash prize of SGD1,500.
• Entrants must be aged 18 and above to enter the competition.
• Multiple entries are accepted.
• The schedule of the competition is as follows:
o 27 Jul: Submissions open
o 5 Sep: Submissions close
o 10 Sep: 5 poems shortlisted; shortlisted writers will be notified
o 11 Sep: Song Composition Stage
o 7 Oct: Song recording
o 15 Oct: Release songs at SWF website, public vote for most popular song
o 26 Oct: Finale performance and prize giving; live voting
About Singapore Writers Festival
The Singapore Writers Festival (SWF) is one of Asia’s premier literary events, organised by the National Arts Council. Inaugurated in 1986 as a component of the Singapore Festival of Arts (now known as Singapore Arts Festival), it later evolved to become the ‘Singapore Writers Festival’ in 1991.The festival presents some of the world's major literary talents to Singaporeans, and promotes new and emerging Singaporean and Asian writing to an international audience. SWF has featured many writers from around the world and delighted book lovers with literary celebrities such as Arnošt Lustig, Taichi Yamada, Neil Gaiman, David Mitchell, Ma Jian, Tash Aw, and comic book writers Gail Simone and Mark Waid. To date, it remains one of the few literary festivals in the world that is multi-lingual, focusing on the official languages of Singapore – English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil.
re:solve / 决议案 Trailer
There's a release date! And a new trailer to accompany the one month wait
to its debut. Touted as Singapore's first police crime thriller,
anticipation and...
11 years ago