A SinG-A-PoRe Resource Center - Bringing u the latest music entertainment and news in Singapore. (featured link in http://www.cnngo.com/singapore/localviews)
VIBES BS Earphones
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Important for the Layman! Explaination of Creative Commons License for Singapore online music works
my recent blog post mentioned abt locally ported Singaporean Creative Commons licenses event in Singapore. For those who have missed the event, don't worry. The following article abt Creative Commons is quoted from Ivan and Jeremy Yew of Songwriting Circle (a non-profit musical group to promote songwriting in Singapore). As such, my greatest appreciation to both of them and I give my credits to both of them for writing this article to let us understand better on Creative Commons. Below is the article:
To fully appreciate Creative Commons, I'll start from current copyright law & practice
1) First, Creative Commons is not a law, let alone a "new" law. Copyright Law still holds. Think of Creative Commons as another way to apply current copyright law.
2) Under current copyright law, the creator is deemed to have copyright over his/ her own works (subject to conditions like it has to be in written orrecorded form etc).
3) Let's say Ivan uploads his music on the Internet. Under current copyright law, it's presumed that if you wish to use Ivan's music in your school project or to modify it, you have to obtain Ivan's explicit permission. Ivan doesn't have to indicate stuff like "All Rights Reserved" or "Copyright IvanChew 2008" because all this is presumed as default.
4) Let's say you are a rule-abiding sort of person. You write to Ivan for permission. Problem is that Ivan may not respond to your email in time for your project. If he even responds at all. Or Ivan may not even leave acontact email. So you either wait for Ivan to respond, or you don't use the music. Or you decide to risk it and use it anyway. Even if Ivan is OK with you using it, you may not attribute it to him or you don't know how. Eitherway, this is inefficient. But it's how the current Copyright system works. Now here's where Creative Commons comes in:
5) When Ivan uploads his music on the Internet, he decides to make it easy for people who wish to use his music under certain conditions he specifies. At the same time, he wish to make it clear what are the conditions he will allow his works to be used SO THAT HIS RIGHTS ARE PROTECTED (as much as theInternet allows). E.g. Ivan wants you to know that you have to link back to him/ cite his blog; you can't use it commercially etc. (there are several variations) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
6) Ivan isn't a lawyer and doesn't know how to draft it in legal words. No problem. Ivan goes to this page: http://creativecommons.org/license/. He answers a few questions using the DIY online form. The appropriate HTML code is generated for Ivan. Ivan copies the HTML code provided at the Creative Commons site. He pastes this code on his website/ blog. His blog shows the necessary logo and legalese. If you visit his blog, you will know what are the conditions for using Ivan's music.
7) What Creative Commons has provided for Ivan are:
i) a "human-readable" code, i.e. plain simple English of what you have to do if you wish to use Ivan's music. Without complicated legal terms. Like thisexample: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
ii) a "machine-readable" code, i.e. Ivan doesn't need to know HTML to knowhow to display the code, text & graphics on his blog. The HTML code generated by Creative Commons does this for Ivan.
iii) a "legal" code, i.e. if Ivan ever a need to let the lawyers go through the specific terms in a court of law, they can check out the full legalterminologies: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode
8) All the above is done in a flash, the moment Ivan generates the code, andpastes the code he chooses, in his blog.
9) So then you hear about "Creative Commons being ported to Singapore". Basically, every country may interpret the Copyright Law in different ways. Singapore follows US copyright law closely. Still, there may be some areas that is not defined so clearly. Someone has has ensured that the specific legal terms in the various Creative Commons license is WORDED in a way that Singapore courts will interpret it in favour of the person who adopts the Creative Commons license. This is what "ported over" means. See -http://ramblinglibrarian.blogspot.com/2008/07/what-does-it-mean-by-porting-creative.html
9) How does Ivan benefit from Creative Commons again? The truth is Ivan won't really know who has used his music. He can't tell whether there's anycopyright violation.
10) But think about it -- the only way for Ivan to protect his works 100% is NOT TO SHARE IT on the Internet. The moment Ivan shares stuff on theinternet, there's always a risk of violation of his copyright.
11) But Ivan doesn't believe in that. Ivan weighs the pros and cons and decides he is better off sharing his music than keeping it to himself. Atthe same time, he has greater peace of mind using the Creative Commonslicense, knowing he has made the terms clear.
12) Let's say Ivan does find out that someone called Jeremy has used his music in a video, but didn't follow the Creative Commons terms specified, Ivan has a better case if he brings to court. Because Jeremy cannot claim that he doesn't know or that terms are not clear.
13) When Jeremy discovers Ivan's music. Jeremy sees the Creative Commons terms of use. It's clearly worded who is the owner, what permission isgranted, what can or cannot be done. Jeremy doesn't have to waste timewriting to Ivan or trying to figure out how to contact Ivan.
14) Jeremy knows he could just use the music without attributing to Ivan(doesn't matter if Jeremy doesn't intend to make money out of it). But Jeremy is a nice fella. He credits Ivan as the creator (that's what attribution means). He links back to Ivan, since the link is clearly stated under the CC license (which is a plus for Ivan). Jeremy also writes to Ivan to say thanks (even though Jeremy doesn't have to do that, it's a nice gesture).
15) So overall, let's compare the practice of MAKING ORIGINAL MUSIC ONLINE under current Copyright, and under Creative Commons. Nothing has changed in essence. But Ivan is better off since his position is made clear. And Jeremy is better off since Ivan's position is made clear.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Upcoming Jazz Piano Duo concert by Jeremy Monteiro & Michael Veerapen in Aug 08!

Tickets are going at $50, $35, $27 (student price), excludes $2 booking fee.
Date: 1 & 2 Aug 2008
Time: 8pm
Monday, July 28, 2008
Locally Ported Creative Commons Licenses Launching in Spore
this interesting article (sent by my friend) is pretty relevant in developing our creative industries (which includes the music industry too). It talks about Singapore in the digital media industry and an upcoming event on the locally ported Singaporean Creative Commons licenses.
Quoted by the website Creative Commons International: The event is to "introduce [our own Singaporeans] to key copyright issues in the digital age and also share tips for creators and users to avoid common pitfalls in the field of copyright law." This makes complete sense to our local electronic musicians who are interested in producing digital music. It's gd to attain knowledge on retaining our own digital music copyrights & tips to avoid getting sued for "illegal use" in musicians' digital music compositions/works especially in the context of sensitive Singapore.
Since its copyright material on the website, there is no reason why I should get myself in getting sued by posting the article here on my blog...lol. To find out more, click HERE
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Electricity happening in ISEA2008 Club Night
below is the Sat event which I promised to update! Enjoy!
In conjunction with the International Symposium of Electronic Arts 2008 (ISEA2008), Post Museum present to you a series of electronic and experimental music showcases (Free Entrance and Sitting).

Event: ISEA2008 Club Night
Date: 26th July 2008
Artists & Time of Performances
Back Room
800-0830 Airfields
0830-915 Ikuma
0915-1000 The Analog Girl
1000-1045 uan
1045-1130 Sonicbrat
Food03 (level 1)
1000-1200 Hangar17,Somaya Langley
Website of Post Museum: HERE!!!
Map to get there: Check under the column "Find Us" in Post Museum website
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Time to Explore Art Sounds...!!!
the month of July is coming to an end... . Attending various music performances such as jazzy french songs sung by our local Singaporean songwriter talent "Bevlyn Khoo" and simulating film art sounds/visual moving images by sound artists "Yoshihiro Hanno" & "Dickson Dee" were such magical musical moments for me! Seriously Bevlyn's songs on her CD are worth buying as collection items of inspiration & easy listening tunes for music lovers. She was so cool...to sign her autography on my CD! Get her CD to support Singapore music and musicians!
p/s to Bevlyn: U were so cute to comment me in wearing pink clothes @ yr gig! First woman who noticed on my "pinkish" clothes! Ladies...don't goggle on my clothes too much...lol. Bevlyn...I really appreciate yr sharp "eagle" eyes! As a form of appreciation, I will write my comments and experience for yr gig at Esplanade concourse on that nite itself in another post!
Now gearing back to music lovers...out there! My focus on music will be gearing slowly towards experimental sound art in the upcoming month of August. Haha...music lovers don't worry! It's also relatively a new field for me to understand too... .I promise to hold yr hand and brain to crack the "divine" code in this sound art form! Be sure to look forward to the bits & pieces in my music journals on performances by our local songwriters & musicians in my blog too. I will be back soon to update u guys for an upcoming electronic and experimental music showcases exhibition happening on this coming Sat nite! Feel free to give comments/leave tags on my cbox if u guys are interested to contribute/"engage" me to post yr favorite music stuff! That's all from me!
Signing off
Yr Music Lover & Connector
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Jazz in July - Bevlyn Khoo (Les Chansons Français)
Don't miss this first all-French-songs gig for Bevlyn! Examples of some songs you can expect to catch:
Sneak videos
C’est Si Bon (It's So Good) : CLICK HERE!!!
Les Parapluies de Cherbourg: CLICK HERE!!!
La Vie En Rose: CLICK HERE!!!
Ne Me Quitte Pas: CLICK HERE!!!
Sympathique: CLICK HERE!!!
And rest assured that each song will be explained properly in English before it is performed. (",)
Do drop by if you would like to experience something French - this is less expensive than fois gras, in fact it is FOC:
21 Jul 08 (Mon): 715pm - 745pm, 815pm - 845pm
22 Jul 08 (Tue): 715pm - 745pm, 815pm - 845pm
À Bientôt (See you soon)!
p/s: For more information on her programs on those two nites: CLICK HERE!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
"Jazz By The Beach" 19 July 2008 Music Event
well its been quite a long time for words to appear in my blog. Haha...too many music events like "Electrico" national tour and "Jazz on The Waterfront" happening around. I will be currently writing about my experiences on the past two events. It will take some time for me to finish writing. Pls wait patiently...lol. In the meanwhile, here's another upcoming music event:
Back from their successful gig at the event "Blues At The House" at the Singapore Arts Festival 2008, Smokey and the Bandits is back at Sentosa's Jazz By The Beach July event! Come down nd chill out to three sets of eclectic blues music featuring:
Current lineup in "Smokey and The Bandits":
Kelvin Smokey Ng (harmonica)
Gregory Leow (guitar)
Chris Gomez (bass)
Gopal (drums)
and Guests starring: Paul Anderson (vocals, guitar) and the sultry Anjana Srivasan (vocals).
Smokey played at the Chicago Blues Festival with Harry Manx (Canada) and shared the stage with Holmes Brothers (US), Enrico Crivellaro (Italy) and Ohil Manning (Australia). So u guys should come down and catch them again for those who have missed the event "Blues at The House"!
For more details on the location,date and time of the gig itself: CLICK HERE!!!
p/s: Enjoy Happy Hour promo - 1 for 1 San Miguel Light Beer (6pm - 7:30pm) on that event itself!
I have also uploaded one video of Smokey & The Bandits with the permission of Greg (the band's guitarist) in myspace. I will upload the remaining videos when I have more time. To enjoy it, CLICK HERE!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Recall of Electrico Rocks at Zouk on 11 July 2008
Rock music...has hit the town once again! It's time to feature our famous renowned band "Electrico"! Yes it's them! This Singapore local band is considered as one of the most prolific bands weaving and spinning off their own personal melancholic, upbeat & enchanting melodical songs with a huge base of loyal fans. Recently they have been nominated as Artist of the Year in 2nd MTV Asia Awards nomination 2008. Such nomination definitely show the sheer talent and commitment towards making our Singaporeans proud of our own local Singapore music!
With the exciting launch of their third album, "We Satellites"! release, "We Satellites Live Loud Tour" is part of the anticipated national music tour in our tiny sunny town. Haha....apparently the date of their first tour gig falls on my actual birthday! It's a really concidence that my birthday became one of the most memorable celebration in my life! Without futher ado, allow me to be your tour guide in orbiting u guys to their first tour performance venue: Zouk!
It was past 10pm when my anxious call attempt to get my friend Xavier on the line wasn't getting through. Ya...I knew I was late but I wanted so badly to get the free entry to catch Electrico's performance. Luckily he managed to get one of the ladies in charge to reserve a slot for me.
Upon reaching Zouk, it was already 1030pm. Some personnel was packing up the tables and chairs away. Guess it must have been the "Electrico" queue area. Finally I got Xavier out from Zouk and we are searching HIGH and low for the lady in charge. Finally we caught sight of the lady and pleaded the lady. After talking to the lady, she managed to get the bouncer to give me my free "chop". My greatest appreciation to her with my picture display with me and her inside Zouk:
Inside Zouk, the band was already giving a prologue on the foreword on the tour itself. The stage area were fully packed with crowd. They were playing songs after songs. The first few songs were filled with heavy distortion sounds but the remaining upcoming songs were turning slowly towards the sound direction of beautiful melodic lines with awesome harmony. These were the emotions how I felt during that time: The bass guitarist Desmond was really rocking the stage. He was pulling out all those bassy "omph" musical lines & jumping on the stage with such good showmanship that it certainly shone!It was such a heartwarming sight to see our own local Singaporeans supporting our Singapore band. Soon the show started off...with their song introduction "Zero" on the list.
Wow...I must say that it really captured my heart when they began to play the song! Seriously it was my first time hearing them performing live in front of me! Haha...for those who know me, I am a music lover who absolutely want quality music. To me, they were a real band with great musical quality and substance.
They were playing song after song. The first few songs were filled with heavy distortion sounds but the remaining upcoming songs were turning slowly towards the sound direction of beautiful melodic lines with awesome harmony. These were the emotions how I felt during that time: The bass guitarist Desmond was really rocking the stage. He was pulling out all those bassy "omph" musical lines & jumping on the stage with such good showmanship that it certainly shone! It was such a heartwarming sight to see our own local Singaporeans supporting our Singapore band.
Lovely Amanda (the keyboardist) was generating her beautiful harmonic chords in her Korg keyboard. Yet when it was time for her solo, she soared into the sky with her excellent skill playing of dreamy notes.
William (the drumer) was tight in his timing like a timebomb.
With Dave's (the vocalist cum lead guitarist) expressive warm vocal tone, it simply just put fellow humans into wanting to listen to him more.
At some point of time, they were playing some cover songs of Osasis. It got me completely heated up and found myself dancing to the rocky groovy tune. Generally the crowd are a bit shy to flow with their hands and legs movements with the music. Hehe...I still managed to see a lady dancing to the rythmn beats in front of me.
When they finished the last song on their set, it was time for another encore. Off my voice screamed "Ennnncoreeeee" with Xavier as the rest of the crowd also joined in the screeching. And they ended it off with such high energy that obviously satisfied the "spiritual" hunger of music lovers.After the gig, I went upfront to the stage to ask Amanda if I can take a picture with her and the rest of the band members. She actually agreed. I was so happy! I just had to wait until they finished packing their stuff.
It was surprising that the band members of Electrico were so friendly towards me when I interacted with them after their gig. Usually my impression of some real good rock band members is that they can sound pretty nasty to people lol. Looks like I was wrong. They are a bunch of cool dudes who knows how to connect with their fans and anyone who loves music. Too bad I only managed to get hold of Amanda and Dave. The rest of the band members were all over the place...haha even Amanda have no idea where they have gone. Nevertheless Xavier and I had fun chatting with Amanda and Dave. Here's the pictures with me and them:
Of course it was cool to chat with some full-time musicians and music lovers at the event too. It was definitely one of my greatest birthday celebration nite! My appreciation goes to:
Electrico: U guys obviously rock!
Lady and Zouk "Bouncer" who gave me the free "chop": Such free entitlement were great birthday gifts from u guys! Thanks!
Management, technical and media crew in Zouk: Arranging all the logistics, setting up the stage and making it such a wonderful "decoration" to see!
Music lovers & people who came to the event: For bonding with me and enjoying the great atmosphere with me! For those who just can't get enough on seeing Electrico: CLICK HERE!!! (Myspace)
Music Lovers & Electrico fans - Remember to get their latest album "We Satellites" while stocks last! Available at HMV and all major music outlet stores!
THANK U!!! Click on advertisments to support my cause in music harmony & diversity in Singapore!
Blog Archive
- Important for the Layman! Explaination of Creative...
- Upcoming Jazz Piano Duo concert by Jeremy Monteiro...
- Locally Ported Creative Commons Licenses Launching...
- Electricity happening in ISEA2008 Club Night
- Time to Explore Art Sounds...!!!
- Singapore upcoming Female Bassist & Composer
- Jazz in July - Bevlyn Khoo (Les Chansons Français)
- "Jazz By The Beach" 19 July 2008 Music Event
- Recall of Electrico Rocks at Zouk on 11 July 2008
THANK U!!! Click on advertisments to support my cause in music harmony & diversity in Singapore!
Latest Music News & Stuff in Singapore
- Latest Link!!! Singapore 60s Andy Pop Music Website 08 - A local music blog covering news on Singapore 60s music scene
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- Dance&Soul - Underground Music Resource site featuring interesting dance music
- Songcraft Songwriting Circle - A local songcraft songwriting circle in support of local original music composition
- COMPASS - Non-profit organisation in Singapore to created to protect and promote the copyright interests of composers, lyricists and publishers for their musical works
- Plaform The Label - Local dedicated team of music lovers/musicians organising Singapore local music gigs
- Happening local gigs in SG - Fellow Music blogger Arina
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