Third Mind Experience is like being submerged in an isolation tank -- it's enveloping,subverting the senses with surreal visions we'd swear were our own, cleverly jarring and disorienting consciousness beyond any footing in reality.
These are artists who feel the fires of inspiration to create sound art or music that is original, emotional and epic whether it is ambient soundscapes, rock based music, drone or anything else under the sun. Music that crosses boundaries while celebrating expression rather than glamour.
Third Mind refers to a writing style (and eventually cinematic style), popularized by
William Burroughs, which involves combining and re-arranging unrelated texts or film
scenes to form new narratives and often-surreal images. It's a metaphor for different
bands doing their own thing but having a similar ideology or dedication to creating sound art that ties to them to the larger picture.
The series of gigs will cover a broad a range of sound art as possible. With the belief that if it comes from inside you, it is automatically valid and that music is never wrong, this is the Third Mind Experience. Come join us this April the 10th at Blackhole. It starts at 7pm.