Below is some information on the music concert performance of a local singer songwriter Crazy YET on this Saturday nite! Credits go to Yet for providing us with such detailed information.
5 岁在父母爱听音乐的熏陶下,12 岁创作了的第一首歌曲‘平静的心’。但是,创作道路平平,写了10多年都无法寻得突破。于是决定自资制作唱片,在实现童年梦想的当儿,更希望可以和大家分享自己对音乐的想法---简单的音乐,好的音乐。持着疯狂不退缩的精神,敦鸿克服了在音乐之旅所碰到的种种障碍。他坚信只要肯付出努力,一切终究没有问题。
请游览 查询有关叶敦鸿 Yet 首张个人创作音乐专辑《那个疯狂的人》。
At the age of 5, he started to swing to the music that his parents listen to. He composed his first song at the age of 12, titled "Peace at Heart". It has always been Yet's dream to be able to have his own album. He then decided to produce his own album and share his passion and philosophy of his music with others --- Simple Music, Good Music. Yet is definitely crazy about music and he is as crazy about what Life has taught him. He believes deeply that perseverance and conscientious effort is the key to resolve any obstacle. No problem, he has made it and is here to share with you the Crazy Yet.
For more information about Yet’s first album, please visit
Please call 6226 7479 or email for tickets.
Echomusic school: Click HERE! On Echo Music School website, scroll down to the bottom page of the website and click on the picture of YETLIFE to find out more on the location held for the concert.
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